‧ Insulation: Three Teflon and three Polyethylene (PE) tubes are used instead of conventional insulation because any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation, circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. Polyethylene is a low loss dielectric (insulation in a circuit) with a benign distortion profile. Teflon is an extremely low loss dielectric with a slightly obnoxious distortion profile. Air absorbs next to no energy, so air is hardly a dielectric at all, causing virtually no distortion.Since the inner diameter of the Teflon and PE tubes is much larger than the outer diameter of the metal conductor, the metal only touches the tubes in a single line. The conductors are almost perfectly insulated with air. However, the tube material is still close enough to slightly compromise performance. The character of PE is a gentle softening, a subtractive distortion. The character of Teflon is a slight harshness, an additive distortion. So even while Teflon allows for more detail and ambient information than PE, it comes at a price. The delicately finessed combination of larger PSC+ conductors inside the three PE tubes, and smaller PSC+ conductors inside the three Teflon tubes, provides nearly all the clarity and dynamic advantages of Teflon, while essentially maintaining all the naturalness and ease of PE. Unprecedented insulation technology provides unprecedented performance.
‧Terminations: Amazon's plugs are Resistance Welded to the cable in a process which sends 8,000 amperes of current through the junction of conductor and plug for 33 millionths of a second. The heat resulting from the resistance of the metals locally liquefies the conductor and the plug, creating a single material alloy where the two meet. An ideal connection that puts any solder to shame.
“亚马逊” 镀银浓厚的FPC铜制成之RCA铜插头,是采用一项可以去除大多数插头因内部额外接触所产生失真之专利设计。在“红蟒蛇”的RCA与XLR连接头,这些连接头均是由FPC铜材制成,它是一种无间断铸造而成的铜,它的表现比包括黄铜在内之所有高级铜更为杰出。其它纯铜被使用于插头上,则无此项作用过程强化。FPC铜被银厚实而直接地电渡其上,不像一般的插头,是使用镍片作媒介体。不论所要电镀之接头器材为何,镀银方式是最佳的连接方式。
‧ Amazon's thickly silver-plated FPC copper RCA plugs use a patented design that eliminates the distortion caused by the extra contact inside most plugs. In both Anaconda's RCA and XLR connectors, the connection pieces are all made with FPC copper, a continuously cast copper with seriously better performance than even the highest copper content brass. Other pure coppers do not have the mechanical strength to be used in plugs. Silver is thickly plated directly over the FPC copper, without the intermediary nickel layer common to almost all other plugs. Silver plating provides the best possible connection, regardless of plating on the equipment jacks.
A combination of these major ingredients, and many more subtle details add up to explain how Amazon's extreme performance is made possible.