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世霸Cremona Auditor M(小克雷蒙纳) 顶级书架箱

世霸Cremona Auditor M(小克雷蒙纳) 顶级书架箱

  • 本店售价:¥25600元
  • 商品点击数:46536


联系人:李先生 13829461623(微信同号) 业务QQ:1215102187

经销地址:汕头市龙湖区创意音响广场46号2楼42号 中文音响

世霸Cremona Auditor M(小克雷蒙纳)顶级书架箱


意大利克雷蒙纳,不朽名琴的诞生地,融合古典音乐文化与惊世提琴工艺。音响设计家Franco Serblin继Guarneri Homage及Amati Homage扬声器后,再度以CREMONA克雷蒙纳系列推出他的全新力作Auditor“小克雷蒙纳”,以此来纪念历史上伟大的制琴大师和提琴家族。Auditor继续沿用Sonus faber专利鲁特琴形声箱,巧妙地控制谐振及驻波,令音色分外优美。精致无比的声箱由许多件特选实心枫木嵌合而成,秉承提琴制造工艺,全由人手制造。超凡的木漆工艺及多层半光泽涂层,令木纹理更富质感。另外Sonus faber还提供auditor专用脚架供玩家选购。


Auditor M embodies the Sonus faber tradition in the category of compact loudspeakers, making use of top-grade component parts and a minimal crossover network. Like its predecessors, Auditor M creates a highly refined and exquisitely musical sound.

FORM:A lute shaped form, first used on the Amati and Guarneri homage models is again employed on the Auditor M. Twenty pieces of both solid and laminated maple wood ensures excellent cabinet stiffness that breaks up any resonance nodes and controls standing waves. This cabinet construction provides excellent results with even difficult room acoustics allowing the lower octaves to project with authority into the listening space while the mid and high frequencies disperse effortlessly. The Auditor M’s small form factor allows it to be easily integrated in a wide variety of listening spaces.

FUNCTION:Sonus faber believes the drivers are crucial to the sonic success of their approach. With the Auditor M, Sonus faber continues its tradition of reducing moving mass, stiffing the coned drives, while asking the tweeter to extend out well into the 30kHz region. What makes this recipe so remarkable is that as with all Sonus faber products balance and harmonic richness is retained. In lesser designs stiffening might well result in a hard and brittle sound, but not here. Instead, we find a true fidelity, powerful yet refined, dynamic and spacious.

A 6” (150mm) Scandinavian-made woofer-midrange uses a special black wood pulp fiber cone that is capable of particularly high resolution and dynamic linearity. And the 1” (25mm) extended bandwidth high-frequency ring radiator driver valued for its smoothness and extension create a compact loudspeaker whose performance belies its size. Inevitably, the finest drivers and cabinets would mean little without brilliant crossover integration. This aspect of Sonus faber has always been an inherent strength, with much of the musicality and sweetness deriving from the ability to blend the various elements into an organic whole. Here, a non-resonant low order crossover is used for its openness and dynamic capabilities with a crossover point set at 2.5kHz.

Once again, Sonus faber delivers another iconic model that clearly redefines “musical performance” in the compact loudspeaker category with the Auditor M.




System Type: 2-way vented box loudspeaker
Cabinet: Lute shape design, combination of sandwich construction, obtained using 20 hand selected wood layers and solid maple, quality graded and oriented for carefully optimized resonances and standing waves control
Woofer: 6 in. (150 mm) cone driver with Symmetric Drive Motor System and selected black wood fiber cone, high resolution, treated for break-up control. Dynamic linear suspension
Tweeter: 1 in. (25 mm) ultra dynamic ring radiator-driver, with dual toroidal wave-guide
Crossover: Non-resonant first order design, optimized phase characteristics for optimal space/time performance. Crossover point 2.5kHz
Frequency Response: 50Hz – 30kHz, tuning ports
Nominal Impedance: 4 ohms
Sensitivity: 88 db SPL (2.83 V/1m)
Power Handling: 40W – 150W, without clipping
Finish: Natural Maple or Graphite multicoated with medium gloss ecologically sensitive lacquer
Dimensions: 8 x 13.9 x 14.4 inches (WHD)
202 x 353 x 365 mm (WHD)
Weight: 40.6 lbs. (18.4 Kg) per pair – net weight49.2 lbs. (22.3 Kg) per pair – shipping weight
Optional Dedicated Stand: 16.4 x 28 x 12.2 in (WHD)415 x 710 x 310 mm (WHD)
Stand Weight: 49.9 lbs. (22.6 Kg) per pair – net weight58.2 lbs. (26.4 Kg) per pair – shipping weight
Overall Dimensions Speaker & Stand: 16.4 x 42 x 15.8 in (WHD)415 x 1065 x 400 mm (WHD)
  *Specifications subject to change without notice. 
