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荷兰 live cable 现场拉阔 spc 信号线

荷兰 live cable 现场拉阔 spc 信号线

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  • 商品点击数:28105







The aim of Live Cable is to strive for highest feasible musical quality
This aim has been reached after more than four years of continuous designing and testing with a number of high-quality products such as distributors and power cords. 高质量不仅形成了我们自己的经验,评论家和记者也听过电缆产品说的启示。生活追求的理念是电缆设计和制造的一切。我们相信,只有这样,高质量的完成可以保证。
The housing of Live the Cable S.P.C junction box is made of 8mm special aluminium alloy. The housing of the Signature junction box is 12mm. In order to further reduce or avoid the influence of interference the S.P.C. junction box is protected by a 0,5mm copper cage within. The Signature junction box cages are doubled to 1,0mm of copper on all sides. The weight of the junction boxes are therefore relatively high 7,4kg (16lb) and 16kg (35lb) respectively. This weight is carried by - made of the same aluminium alloy - spikes and dishes which increases stability and dampening at good.
All Live Cable products are accurately calculated to 0,01mm (a tenth of the thickness of a human hair).
With the same precision the parts are milled from aluminium and copper.
如果最终的结果是没有设置这个标准,重新编程的完美归宿800 900规范。
High-end audio is nothing like that! First, the term ‘high-end’ is about the performance of the product, not its price. Many high-end systems do not cost much more than the all-in-one systems from the local stores. I have listened to many relatively cheap systems, which comprise the essence of music reproduction and stays within the budget constraint of the average consumer. Even though high-end audio components can indeed be very valuable, it does not mean a second mortgage is required for some quality reproduction. An amazing audio system can be less expensive than you might think, if you are prepared to think about all the other aspects which are of importance. Acoustics for example, need to be seen as a separate component in the chain of audio reproduction.
Second, high-end audio is about the transfer of the musical message; it is not about luxurious options. In fact, high-end systems are often much more user-friendly than most mid-fi systems produced en masse. This is due to the fact that high-end ethics require the removal of all non-essential and useless functions, instead focussing all resources on the quality of the sound. High-end audio is made for those with a love of music, not electronics.
Third; everyone who loves music can immediately recognize a quality product. There is no need for a ‘golden-ear’ to hear what has a good sound.The differences between good and average music reproductions are clear. The reaction - usually an expression of delight or surprised satisfaction - of someone who hears a high-end audio system for the first time, underlines that high-end audio is appreciated by everyone. If you like music, you will love a high-end system. 那么简单。
高端的信条假定少音乐信号转变,更好的是。每一个电子电路,线的每一个音调控制或开关信号,从而影响音乐体验。这就是为什么你会找不到图形均衡器,空间增强,分谐波合成器或其他噱头这个口径在高端设备。These things do not only take time and resources which could be spent on bringing the music to life, they also add abundant electronics to the signal. By minimising the amount of electronics and contacts between you and the composer, high-end audio products can maximize the directness of the musical experience.
Picture yourself staring towards the vast Grand Canyon, overwhelmed by the grandeur of the scene (the photograph on the right is one of Ansel Adams’ masterpieces). You do not experience just the vastness of this massive sculpture carved from the depths of the earth, but you also experience the subtle details from the very much alive landscape. You can see the fine degrees of colour and hue from within the rock. Even more subtle details of the giant rock formations are simply distinguished by looking at it, causing your perception to deepen and enhance. Contrasts between light and shadow expose the seemingly unending network of cracks and abysses. The longer and better you look, the more you see. 感性动机纯粹的财富让你在边缘冻结,深深尊重自然的不可思议的美。
另一方面,大的电子公司的大众产品的设计,从思想上要进行“纸”上用的设备的技术规范是指声音质量的费用。一个最好的例子就是“一战”从上世纪70年代和80年代,总谐波失真THD手段,规范作为没有经验的消费者一个放大器的质量标准。较低的THD值,更好的放大器被认为是。这带来了之间的大公司带来的产品在市场上越来越低的THD值比赛。最后,它成为一个比赛看哪个品牌最有零后面的逗号(如0001的THD)。Many consumer bought their receivers or amplifiers based solely on this value.
Even though a low THD-value is a commendable design goal, it did cause a big problem as a result of the methods used to realise these low values. One technique for pushing down the THD-value is called the ‘feedback’. This means that a part of the output signal of the amplifier is feedback to the input. Large quantities of feedback diminish THD, but at the same time cause problems which affect the quality of the amplifier.But did these big electronics companies feel bad about this process affecting quality? Absolutely not. The only thing that mattered was producing a product which would sell in large quantities. They made a trade-off, sacrificing musical performance for a meaningless technical specification, which was sold to the audience as being of great importance. Buyers who purchased audio components based on a piece of paper stating technical details were stuck with a mediocre or bad performing sound system. Ironically, amplifiers with the lowers THD-values possessed the lowest quality too.
This example illustrates the enormous difference between producers who produce for the masses and the high-end designers. The latter care much more about how the product sounds, rather than how it performs ‘on paper’. They also know that their clientele will only purchase based on what they hear, not based on specifications.
High-end audio products are not designed just by the ear, often they are hand-assembled by skilled craftsmen who take pride in the products they craft. Often they are audiophiles as well, crafting with the same care and precision as if they were building for themselves. This accurate attention to detail results in better construction or quality. Better build quality can not only lead to better sound quality of the component, but also to a longer period of reliability and less signs of wearing out. On top of that, hand-built high quality components can give the owner a sense of pride to which the producers of mass-produced components cannot and will not reach.
High-end products are often backed by a better customer service compared to mid-fi producers. Because high-end producers care more about their products and clientele, they generally offer longer warrantees, easier maintenance and replacements routines and better service. It is not unusual for high-end producers to repair products which have no warrantee, free of charge. This does not mean that it is a given fact; it only says that it happens in high-end whilst being unthinkable with mass products. High-end enterprises care about their customers.
一个著名的设计师的数字处理器是这奉献的实例。In a new design they placed a resistor with a price of about one euro (rather than the usual cents that were previously spent on such a resistor component). By the time the product was ready to go into production, the designer sought ways how to further increase the quality of the product. By means of trial and error he found an exotic resistor, with a price of ten Euros. He was surprised to hear how much this was an improvement and could not stand that the product be sold with the one euro resistor. The production was changed to include this better resistor, even though the retail price was already set based on the previous lower costs per unit. High-end designers strive to add quality to their products, rather than low costs per unit.
In the eyes of high-end designer is the electronic or mechanical design not just a technical matter; it is also an act of love and devotion. It is for surprising to those who are not used to such an approach, in which every aspect of the design of a component - both technical and musical - is explored. 对音乐再现的精神到达的高端设计师存在的核心:它不关心工作,他或她必须上班,每天。对于听众的结果是一个更强大的音乐参与和亲密的表现,可能比设备被设计没有这种形式的奉献。
这是当音频系统是遗忘,看似几乎无法得到你房间的艺术家所取代。这是当艺术家或作曲家说你通过时间和空间。当你感到安抚的身体感觉音乐高潮中几乎是有形的。这是一种难以形容的情绪的过山车,作曲家已经编码的声音的结合。It is tangible as the physical world briefly disappears, leaving your consciousness behind accompanied only by the music.
That is the true meaning of high-end audio…
Source: SoundScapes (http://www.soundscapes.nu/high-end.htm) Edited by Live Cable

荷兰 live cable 现场拉阔 spc 信号线

荷兰 live cable 现场拉阔 spc 信号线

荷兰 live cable 现场拉阔 spc 信号线

荷兰 live cable 现场拉阔 spc 信号线
