美国爵士钢琴巨星Michel Forman伙拍多位实力派歌手分别演绎多首名曲,以纯钢琴伴奏带出众乐手非凡实力的献唱,悦耳动人的歌声牵动着每颗心灵,美国顶级录制音色通透靓绝。
1. Dear Prudence - (featuring Arnold McCuller)
2. Celebrate Me Home - (featuring Lizzy Loeb)
3. Peace Train - (featuring Steven Santoro)
4. Turning into Blue - (featuring Tierney Sutton)
5. People Get Ready - (featuring Robbie Wyckoff)
6. Sleepin’ Bee, A - (featuring Joy Burnworth)
7. And So It Goes - (featuring Steven Santoro)
8. True Colors - (featuring Giulietta Ciambotti)
9. God Bless the Child - (featuring Arnold McCuller)
10. What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? - (featuring Tierney Sutton)
11. Close Your Eyes - (featuring Robbie Wyckoff)
12. I Won’t Last a Day Without You - (featuring Joy Burnworth)