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力士luxman SQ-38u 真空管綜合放大器

力士luxman SQ-38u 真空管綜合放大器

  • 价格请来电商议
  • 商品点击数:34039


联系人:黄敬伟 13802332075 营业电话:0754-86312838



額定功率: 30W + 30W (6Ω), 25W + 25W (8Ω, 4Ω)
輸入: 1 phono line (MM/MC high/MC low supported) and 4 lines
錄音 輸入/輸出: 1 line for each of REC output and monitor input
分別 輸入/輸出: 1 line for each of pre output and main input
輸出: Speaker output A and B (independent selection, both simultaneous outputs available)
電路: Driver: Mullard circuit, output: UL connection
真空管: EL34 x 4 pieces, ECC83 x 5 pieces and ECC82 x 2 pieces
體積: 400 x 196 x 310 mm (WxHxD) (terminals and knobs excluded from the dimension)
重量: 20.0kg
附件: Remote control and power cable

