如果不把FM25周年纪念的限量后级2011列入常规产品的话这应该是他家仅仅低于811 MKII的老二,FM的后级功放感觉更象专业功放,面板除了LOGO按钮开关之外还有一扇显示“瑞士FM Acoustics决心系列”和山峰标志的窗透射着蓝色的光,后面除了一般后级所有的输入和输出外,还有两个和专业功放一样的输入电平调节旋钮
Minimum Power Output:
per channel, both channels operating:
500 W peak into 8 Ohms
850 W peak into 4 Ohms
1400 W peak into 2 Ohms
250 W RMS into 8 Ohms
425 W RMS into 4 Ohms
700 W RMS into 2 Ohms
Max. Output Voltage: 140 V pp.
Max. Output Current:
Unlimited repetitive peak output current.
More than 30 A continuous per channel.
No output or DC fuses, absolutely no form of current-, voltage- or any other kind of limiting.
Distortion: Average distortion: <0,005% THD
Bandwidth including Input Filter:
Less than 3 Hz to 60 kHz;
if required, internally settable to any frequency between 1 kHz and 60 kHz (Low-Pass) and
1 Hz to 1 kHz (High-Pass).
Gain: 29dB
Risetime at Full Power: 3 us
Hum and Noise:
Below full power typically better than -115dB(20Hz-20kHz).
Minimal unweighted:
better than -100 dB
Proprietary electronically balanced discrete enhanced class A circuitry, non-polarized, floating ground, non- inverting or inverting mode. Optimal performance with either balanced or unbalanced (single-ended) sources. Unbalanced sources are automatically balanced right at the input of the FM 611X.
Input Sensitivity:
1,6 V RMS for full output
Input Impedance:
At all level settings from balanced and unbalanced sources: 40 kOhms
Input Stage Common Mode Rejection:
90 dB typically, better than 80 dB at 50 Hz, even better at other frequencies.
Maximum Input Level:
+20 dBm (7,75 V RMS)
Load Impedance:
No minimum impedance. The amplifier is designed for 1 Ohm to 10000 Ohm systems. It can drive any speaker impedance (even below 1 Ohm) with dynamic (music) signals without any limiting, compression or other negative effects on the audio signal. Despite this, the amplifier is fully protected against short circuits, open circuits and all other adverse conditions via a unique onboard computer that continuously surveys all important parameters.
Inspiration System灵感系统的XSII落地音箱据说是FM仅有的三对音箱中的第二级别,因为官方网站并无音箱资料而且没有拆开网罩,所以无法了解其喇叭单体的具体情况,但通过其外置的分音器,可以推断这对梯形的落地箱是四单元,前障板安置了高中低三个喇叭,后面上方削了一个斜角安装着一个后置高音,而他的接线方式也很特别,除了一对低音的接线柱还有一个六芯的卡农插座连接到专用的分音器。