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英国Audio note m6 line 前级功放

英国Audio note m6 line 前级功放

  • 本店售价:¥59800元
  • 商品点击数:37993


联系人:王先生 13715897113



英国audio note m6 line 前级




Output transformer

Copper wired primary/ Audio Note™ silver wired secondary, UHiB double C-core

Signal capacitors

Audio Note™ Cu-foil in phono & line stage


Audio Note™ 1 watt Tantalum film

Power supply junction electrolytics

Silmic & Black Gate™ capacitors

Main power supply electrolytics

WKz Black Gate™ capacitors

Circuit wiring phono stage

Audio Note™ 99.99% pure silver wire

Phono stage capacitors

Audio Note™ Cu-mylar foil

Circuit wiring line stage

Audio Note™ 99.99% pure silver wire on Phono and CD input

Mains inlet wiring

Audio Note™copper cable

Mains cable

Standard copper cable

Phono stage valves

GE 6072A/12AY7 x 3

Line stage valves

1 x EI ECC82 & 1 x GE 7044

Output Impedance

600 Ohm balanced and single-ended

Output connectors

1 x XLR,

2 x AN silver plated RCA

Input connectors

6 x AN silver plated RCA

Volume/balance pots

Noble AP25, after Nov. 2007, 2 x AN attenuators

Input Switching

