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A revolutionary benchmark in clean-power technology for high-performance audio and AV systems, Genesis creates an entirely new, extremely low-distortion mains sine wave using multiple generators – a unique component, and uniquely effective.在清洁发电技术,高性能音频和AV系统的一个革命性的标杆,“创世纪”创造一个全新的,极低的失真电源正弦波使用多台发电机 - 一个独特的组成部分,而唯一有效的。

  • Removes both Common Mode and Differential Mode mains noise.删除两个共模和差模电源噪声。
  • Exceeds 85dB of noise reduction, extending down to zero Hz.超逾85分贝的噪音降低,向下延伸到零赫兹。
  • Stabilizes voltage to 230V +/- 1%.稳定电压至230V + / - 1%。
  • Independent outlets – no outlets are connected together, stopping Differential Mode mains noise cross-contamination.独立网点 - 没有网点连接在一起,停止差模电源噪声的交叉污染。
  • 600W of totally clean power for front-end components. 600W完全干净的电源前端组件。
  • World's first multiple mains generator.世界上第一个多主发电机。
  • Unique ISIS isolation system – totally eliminates resonance from the sub-chassis of Genesis.独特ISIS隔离系统 - 完全消除了从子机箱创世记共振。
  • Available with 32A, UK, EU and US outlets.可提供32A,英国,欧盟和美国的网点。

There are a number of devices already on the market that are commonly referred to as 'mains regenerators'.有很多的设备已经在市场上通常被称为“电源再生器。 Typically, these attempt to synthesise an 'ideal' mains sine wave by subjecting the incoming mains supply to a 50Hz 'template'.通常,这些尝试合成“理想”的电源通过输入电源的正弦波提供一个50Hz的“模板”。 The effectiveness of these regeneration systems is at least partially dependent upon the level of distortion of the incoming supply.这些再生系统的有效性是至少部分地依赖于输入电源的水平失真。

IsoTek's Genesis is distinctly different. ISOTEK的成因是明显不同的。 Unlike existing regenerators, it builds a completely new sign wave with two 300W generation engines running in class AB, giving a total output of 600W of continuous, newly generated power built within an extremely low-distortion sine wave generator.与现有的再生,它构建了一个全新的标志波与两个300W代的引擎运行在AB类,总输出功率为600W的连续的,新产生的功率极低的失真度的正弦波发生器内建成。 Two class AB amplifiers then amplify this signal; these have high-quality output transformers with copper foil between the primary and secondary output, thus preventing distortion and noise passing through the unit.然后两个AB类放大器放大这个信号,这些具有高品质的输出变压器与铜箔之间的初级和次级输出,从而防止通过设备的失真和噪声。

A critical part of the process is IsoTek's unique synchronous sine wave system, which replicates the frequency with zero variation so as not to create destructive harmonic distortions (beat frequencies) between the incoming mains supply and the generated electricity.过程中的一个关键部分是ISOTEK独特的同步的正弦波系统,复制的频率变化为零,以便不产生破坏性的谐波失真(拍频)之间的输入电源和发电。 In addition to eliminating distortion and producing an ultra-stable sine wave, the Genesis also controls mains voltage, ensuring the output voltage is maintained at 230V +/- 1%.除了消除失真和产生一个超稳定的正弦波,成因还控制电源电压,以确保输出电压保持在230V + / - 1%。 By way of comparison, the European standard is 230V +/- 10%.通过比较发现,欧洲标准为230V + / - 10%。

The end result is an extremely precise and consistent 230V/50Hz mains sine wave with vanishingly low levels of distortion, independent of the input quality of the power line.最终的结果是非常精确和一致230V/50HZ电源正弦波微乎其微低的失真水平,独立的输入电源线的质量。 Whatever the level of distortion of the incoming mains supply, Genesis delivers exceptionally low THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) of between 0.05% and 0.17% with typical loads, remaining well below 0.3% with even the most complex loads.无论输入电源失真的水平,“创世纪”提供了非常低的总谐波失真(THD)为0.05%和0.17%典型负载,仍远低于0.3%的,即使是最复杂的负载。

The Genesis was born from a desire to make a more effective mains generative component, as Keith Martin, IsoTek's founder and managing director, explains.创世纪诞生作出更有效的电源生成组件,如基思·马丁,ISOTEK的创始人兼董事总经理解释说,从欲望。 “We looked at existing regeneration systems and thought 'we can build something better'; six years of extensive R&D later and this is the result. “我们期待在现有的再生系统,并认为”我们可以建立更好的东西';六年的广泛的研发后,这是结果。 We call the Genesis a multiple mains generator, rather than a regenerator, to emphasise the unique way in which it operates – using two 300W Class A/B generation engines to create a fully optimised mains sine wave from scratch.我们称之为创世记多个电源的发电机,而不是一个再生,强调独特的经营方式,它 - 使用两个300W的A / B类生成引擎创建一个全面优化的电源正弦波从头开始。 No other device delivers such ultra-low levels of distortion with such unerring consistency, and the resultant uplift in sound quality is remarkable: clearer, smoother and better defined, more open, dynamic and engaging.”无误的一致性等,没有其他设备提供超低的失真水平,结果是显着的隆起在音质清晰,更流畅,更好的定义,更加开放,充满活力,引人入胜。“

Tailor-made for front-end components 量身订做的前端组件

The Genesis is ideally suited to front-end components – source components and preamplifiers ¬– because they are Class A devices and use almost constant current regardless of the music being reproduced.创世纪是非常适合的,因为他们是前端组件 - 源组件和前置放大器¬ - A类设备,并使用被复制的音乐几乎是恒定的电流,无论。 (Power amplifiers and electrostatic speakers that do not consume more than 300W are also suitable, although power amps are generally better suited to mains conditioners with a very low impedance rather than mains generative components. (不消耗300W以上的电源放大器和静电扬声器也是合适的,虽然功率放大器一般更适合于以非常低的阻抗,而不是电源生成元件的电源调节器。

Four high-quality outlets are provided, each one fully isolated; no two outputs are connected together, thus eliminating differential mains noise created by cross-contamination between the connected audio components.提供四个高品质的网点,每一个完全隔离的,没有两个输出连接在一起,从而消除差分电源连接的音频组件之间的交叉污染所产生的噪音。 At the front of the unit, a bright, clear OLED display shows input/output voltage, input/output THD, power consumption of the connected audio equipment and the power status of the generation engines.在前面的单位,明亮,清晰的OLED显示器会显示输入/输出电压,输入/输出总谐波失真(THD),功耗代引擎连接的音频设备和电源状态。

In addition to the exceptional sonic benefits delivered to every connected component, the Genesis delivers complete and unlimited surge protection, spike protection and over-voltage protection for valuable audio equipment.除了特殊的声波带来的好处的每一个连接的组件,创提供完整和无限的浪涌保护,尖峰保护,过电压保护宝贵的音响设备。 No disturbance to the incoming mains supply will be transmitted to the output sockets.无扰动输入的电源将被发送到输出插座。

The Genesis joins Super Titan – the world's most powerful mains conditioner – at the vanguard of IsoTek's flagship Ultimate Series.创世记加入超级泰坦 - 世界上最强大的电源调节器 - ISOTEK的终极旗舰系列的先锋。 While the former is perfect for front-end components, the latter's huge current delivery is ideal for big, current-hungry power amplifiers.虽然前者是完美的前端组件,后者的巨大的电流输送大电流饿功率放大器的理想选择。 Together, they form a unique, and uniquely effective, mains optimisation system – a new benchmark in clean power for the world's finest audio and AV systems, resulting in terrifically enhanced performance.它们共同构成一个独特的,唯一有效的,电源优化系统 - 在为世界上最好的音响和AV系统的清洁电力,导致异常增强的性能的新标杆。

Integral isolation support 积分隔离支持

Like the Super Titan, the Genesis' rigid aluminium casework is cradled in a specially developed support structure called ISIS (Independent System Isolation Support).创世记“超级巨人一样,埋在一个专门开发的名为ISIS(支持独立系统隔离)的支撑结构刚性铝个案。 The main unit is point-clamped between two panels at the top and bottom, each of which is formed of a special resonance-damping material sandwiched between two ultra-dense plates, with the overall structure supported by four substantial aluminium pillars.主单元点钳位在两个面板之间的顶部和底部,其中每个夹两个超高密度的板之间的一个特殊的谐振阻尼材料形成的整体结构得到四个大幅度铝支柱。

ISIS was developed in conjunction with Kurt Olbert, the founder of Clearlight Audio and an acknowledged expert in developing proprietary materials for audio applications. ISIS库尔特Olbert的创始人音频Clearlight和公认的专家,在开发专有的材料用于音频应用开发的结合。 Its purpose is two-fold.它的目的是双重的。 First, it reduces the effect of airborne vibration and microphony, as well as subsonic vibration and resonance in the device itself, which are detrimental to the performance of electronics.首先,它减少空气中的振动和颤噪效应,以及在设备本身,这不利于电子的性能亚音速的振动和共振的效果。 Second, its shape, strength and resonance-damping abilities provide a perfect platform on which to place other components, its stackable design saving space when using several IsoTek units – Genesis and Super Titan, for example – together in one system.其次,它的形状,强度和共振阻尼能力提供了一个完美的平台,在其上放置其他组件,其可堆叠的设计节省空间ISOTEK几个单位 - 成因和超级巨人,例如 - 在一个系统一起使用时。

Mains voltage电源电压 230V 50Hz 230V 50HZ
Maximum current最大电流 16Amps 16安培
Total power总功率 600W continuous 600W连续
THD总谐波失真 Between 0.05% and 0.17% (typical)之间的0.05%和0.17%(典型值)
RFI reduction RFI减少 +85dB extending down to zero Hz 85分贝向下延伸到零赫兹
Voltage stabilisation电压稳定 230V +/- 1% 230V + / - 1%
Surge protection浪涌保护 Re-builds from new the mains sine wave in full重新构建新电源正弦波全
Dimensions尺寸 500 x 300 x 500mm (WxHxD) 500×300 x 500毫米(宽x高x深)
Weight重量 45Kg 45千克

