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Super Titan is the ultimate statement in high-current power conditioning technology, delivering extremely low-impedance, high-current power conditioning for high-end power amplifiers, with a transient ability of 35,500W.超级土卫六是在高电流的电源调节技术,提供的最终声明,极低阻抗,高电流电源空调高端功率放大器瞬态能力35500 W. Super Titan is the world's most powerful audiophile mains conditioner.泰坦超级发烧友是世界上最强大的电源调节器。

  • Removes both Common Mode and Differential Mode mains noise.删除两个共模和差模电源噪声。
  • RFI reduction 85dB. RFI降低85分贝。
  • Independent outlets – no outlets are connected together, stopping Differential Mode mains noise cross-contamination.独立网点 - 没有网点连接在一起,停止差模电源噪声的交叉污染。
  • Unique conditioning network incorporating a group of four seven-stage filters in a series parallel configuration, delivering extremely low-impedance, high-current power.独特的调节网络将一组四个七阶滤波器在一系列平行配置,提供非常低阻抗,高电流电源。
  • KERP© (Kirchoff's Equal Resistance Path) ensures equal resistance and equal power delivery across all outlets. KERP©(基尔霍夫平等的电阻路径)确保平等性和平等的权力交付的所有网点。
  • 135,000A of instantaneous protection, featuring IsoTek's unique sequential protection system with earth fault protector. 135,000 A的瞬时保护,ISOTEK的独特的连续保护系统接地故障保护。
  • Four outlets delivering 7,360W continuous power with 35,500W transient ability.四家分店提供7,360 W的连续功率35,500 W瞬态能力。
  • Unique ISIS© isolation system – totally eliminates resonance from the sub-chassis of Super Titan.独特的ISIS©隔离系统 - 完全消除共振的副底盘的超级巨人。
  • Available with 32A, UK, EU and US outlets.可提供32A,英国,欧盟和美国的网点。


Designed specifically for high-current applications, IsoTekʼs Super Titan is the ultimate power conditioner for high-end audio systems. 专为高电流应用,IsoTeks超级泰坦是最终的高端音响系统的功率调节器。

Building upon the design of the existing Titan, IsoTekʼs new flagship was inspired by the emergence of a new breed of super-powerful high-end amplifiers whose current demands set specific challenges that are not fully met by existing mains conditioning products.现有的泰坦的设计时,IsoTeks新旗舰的灵感来自于一个新品种的出现,超强悍的高端放大器的电流需求没有完全满足现有的电源空调产品的具体挑战。 In the process, IsoTek has designed a power conditioner that outperforms all others currently available, both on paper and in practice.In the six years since its launch, the multi-award-winning Titan has built a reputation as the finest mains conditioner on the market, described by the critics at What Hi-Fi?在这个过程中,ISOTEK多泰坦获奖设计,优于其他所有目前可用的功率调节器,纸和在practice.In六年推出以来,已经建立了一个信誉最好的电源调节器放在市场描述什么的Hi-Fi的批评? Sound and Vision as “a revelation” and by those at Hi-Fi News as “the most impressive mains filter weʼve ever heard”. “启示”和“最令人印象深刻的电源过滤器我们已经听说过”的Hi-Fi新闻的声音和视觉。 Its innovative technology, designed specifically for power amplification, forms an epoch-making partnership with the IsoTek Nova, which delivers the same exacting level of quality for source components and preamplifiers. ISOTEK新星,它提供了相同的严格的质量水平为源组件和前置放大器专为功率放大,其创新的技术,形成了一个划时代的伙伴关系。

While the Titan remains a critical component in IsoTekʼs product range, the arrival of Super Titan heralds the start of a new high-end range of power optimisation components called Ultra Reference.虽然泰坦仍然是一个关键的组成部分IsoTeks的产品范围,超级泰坦开始预示着一个新的高端功率优化组件称为超参考范围的到来。 It takes the Titan blueprint and enhances every element of its design to deliver a new benchmark in the field of mains conditioning for high-performance audio and AV systems.它采用泰坦蓝图和提高其电源空调领域的高性能音频和AV系统的设计,提供了新的标杆的每一个元素。

Unrivalled Current Capability 无与伦比的电流能力

Like the existing Titan, the Super Titan is designed to meet the specific demands of high-end power amplifiers.像现有的泰坦,泰坦超级设计,以满足特定需求的高端功率放大器。 However, in terms of its ability to deliver current, it is almost twice as powerful: while the Titan is capable of delivering 4,600W of continuous current, the Super Titan delivers 7,360W.然而,在其提供电流的能力,它几乎是两倍的强大而泰坦是能够提供4600瓦的连续电流,超级泰坦提供7,360 W。 With 35,500W of transient power on tap, Super Titan is quite simply the worldʼs most powerful audiophile mains conditioner. 35,500 W的自来水瞬时功率,超泰坦是很简单,世界上最强大的高保真电源调节器。

Unique Filtering Circuits 独特的滤波电路

The Super Titanʼs filtering capability is also double that of the Titan.超级悍将过滤能力也泰坦的两倍。 It uses a group of four seven-stage filters in a series parallel combination.它使用一组四个七阶滤波器,在一系列的并联组合。 A simple comparison may be drawn to multiple-cylinder engines.一个简单的比较可以得出多个缸发动机。 The four sections combine to make one ʻsuperʼ seven-element filter, which is inherently superior to engineering a single large filter.四大板块相结合,使一个超级七元件滤波器,这是天生就比一个单一的大型过滤器工程。

Eliminating Noise Without Limiting Transient Power 消除噪音,不限制暂态电能

Mains noise can be broken down into two types.电源噪声可以被细分为两种类型。 The first is differential noise, which is typically caused by switching – everything from a light switch to the switch-mode power supplies used in common domestic appliances.首先是差模噪声,这是通常由开关 - 一切从光开关的开关模式电源中常见的家用电器中使用。 The second is common mode noise, which emanates from a point source, such as a radio transmitter.所述第二共模噪声,从一个点光源,如一个无线电发射机发出。 These noise types are complete opposites, yet they exist side by side and arrive in the home via live and neutral mains cables.The elimination of mains-borne noise is the primary purpose of any specialist power conditioner, but this is difficult to achieve without compromising an amplifierʼs transient performance.这些噪声类型完全相反,但它们相映成趣,到达家中,通过火线和零线电源cables.The电源产生的噪音消除任何专科功率调节的主要目的,但是这是很难实现的,而不会影响一个放大器的瞬态性能。 However, the Super Titanʼs filtering circuits remove both differential and common mode noise, improving sonic clarity and definition, without restricting transient ability.然而,超级悍将滤波电路取出两个差分和共模噪声,改善声音的清晰度及分辨率,而不限制瞬态能力。 The filtering circuits comprise bespoke parts that cover an extremely wide frequency band, aided by specialised choke designs.滤波电路包括定制的部分,覆盖极宽的频带内,由专门的电抗器的设计辅助。

Direct Coupled Design© 直接耦合设计©

The Super Titanʼs filtering circuits are incorporated into IsoTekʼs unique Direct Coupled Design© concept, originally developed for the Titan and further enhanced for Super Titan to ensure optimal high-current filtering.被纳入独特IsoTeks直接耦合设计©概念,最初开发的泰坦和超级泰坦进一步增强,以确保最佳的高电流滤波滤波电路的超级悍将。 Put simply, if a test meter were connected to the Super Titan, the reading would be akin to a very简单地说,如果测试仪连接到超级巨人,读数将是一个非常类似于
2low resistance piece of wire from input to output. 2low线从输入到输出的电阻片。 Other manufacturers use isolation transformers as part of their mains conditioning solutions, but IsoTekʼs Direct Coupled Design© eschews these devices because they break the cardinal rule of maintaining transient power.其他制造商使用隔离变压器作为电源调理解决方案的一部分,但的IsoTeks直接耦合设计©避开这些设备,因为它们打破维持瞬时功率的基本规则。

IsoTekʼs proprietary KERP© technology secures a pure, symmetrical signal path through the unit, while the Polaris-X© network reduces crosstalk and improves component-from-component isolation. IsoTeks专有KERP技术确保一个纯粹的,通过单元对称信号路径,而宝来-X©网络,减少了串扰和提高组件组件隔离。 In addition, a massive 135,000 Amps of instantaneous and repeatable surge protection safeguards valuable audio equipment against spikes and surges in the mains supply – no other device on the market can match this level of protection.此外,一个巨大的135,000安培的瞬时和重复浪涌保障宝贵的音频设备,对尖峰和浪涌电源 - 市场上没有其他设备可以符合这种级别的保护。

Integral Isolation Support 积分隔离支持

Fashioned from aluminium, Super Titanʼs rigid outer casing is cradled in a specially developed support structure called ISIS© (Independent System Isolation Support).从老式的铝,超级悍将刚性外壳埋在一个专门开发的名为ISIS©(独立系统的隔离支持)的支持结构。 The main unit is point-clamped between two panels at the top and bottom, each of which is formed of a special resonance-damping material sandwiched between two ultra-dense Corean plates, with the overall structure supported by four substantial aluminium pillars.主单元是点钳位在两个面板之间的顶部和底部,其中每个形成的一个特殊的谐振阻尼材料之间的两个超密Corean的板夹持,整体结构得到四个大幅度铝支柱。 ISIS© was developed in conjunction with Kurt Olbert, the creator of RDC and an acknowledged expert in developing proprietary materials for audio applications. ISIS©库尔特Olbert配合,RDC和公认的专家,在开发专有的材料用于音频应用的创造者。 Its purpose is two-fold.它的目的是双重的。 First, it reduces the effect of airborne vibration and microphony, as well as subsonic vibration and resonance in the device itself, which are detrimental to the performance of electronics.首先,它减少空气中的振动和颤噪效应,以及在设备本身,这不利于电子的性能亚音速的振动和共振的效果。 Second, its shape, strength and resonance-damping abilities provide a perfect platform on which to place other components, its stackable design saving space when using more than one IsoTek unit.其次,它的形状,强度和共振阻尼能力提供了一个完美的平台,在其上放置其他组件,其可堆叠的设计节省了空间,当使用一种以上ISOTEK单元。

Purpose-Built Power Cable 目的制电源线

In order to deliver up to 32Amps continuously, the Super Titan incorporates silver-plated 32A locking Neutrik input and output sockets.为了提供高达32安培不断,超级泰坦采用镀银32A锁定的Neutrik输入和输出插座。 To ensure optimum results, IsoTek has also designed a unique 32A power cable called Intense, developed especially for the Super Titan – no other power conditioner brand can boast such attention to detail.为了确保最佳的结果,ISOTEK还设计了独特的32A电源线叫激烈,尤其是对开发超级泰坦 - 没有其他电源调节器品牌可以夸耀这种对细节的关注。

The Ultimate High-Current Power Conditioner 终极大电流功率调节

No matter how powerful the amplifier, however current-hungry it may be, Super Titan delivers a super-clean, ultra-consistent supply of electricity without limitation, ensuring the worldʼs best amplifiers perform to their full potential every time.无论多么强大的放大器,但电流饿了,也可能是超级泰坦提供了超洁净,超一致的电力供应没有限制,确保世界上最好的放大器充分发挥其潜力,每次执行。

Super Titan ships with IsoTek's top of the range 32A Intense power cable.超级泰坦船舶ISOTEK顶部的范围32A激烈的电力电缆。 Either a full loom (ST32A) or input cable (ST20A).一个全织机(ST32A)或输入电缆(ST20A)。

Number of outlets网点数 4 + Multi-Link/Auxiliary 4 + Multi-Link/Auxiliary的
Type of outlets (32A)型网点(32A) Silver-plated 32Amp Neutrik镀银32Amp的Neutrik
Type of outlets (20A)类型插座(20A) UK, EU, US, CH, AU, ZA英国,欧盟,美国,CH,AU,ZA
Mains inlet主入口 Silver-plated 32Amp Neutrik镀银32Amp的Neutrik
Mains voltage电源电压 100-240VAC/50-60Hz 100-240VAC/50-60Hz
Maximum current最大电流 32Amp continuous连续32Amp
Total power (nominal 230V)总功率(额定230V) 7,360W continuous power 7,360 W的连续功率
Transient power电源瞬间 35,500W 35,500 W
Surge protection浪涌保护 135,000Amp instantaneous 135,000安培瞬时
Dimensions尺寸 500x300x500mm (WxHxD) 500x300x500mm(宽x高x深)

